Ifg Events Podcast

How can the better use of data benefit public services?



There are plans to join up data across government services, websites and platforms, and use data in assessing and evaluating how public services are performing. The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, making its way through parliament, is just one of many initiatives. But there are risks, as well as opportunities, in linking data held on citizens. So how can government ensure the public benefits from the use of their data through better public services? Speakers: Aaron Bell MP, Interim Co-Chair of the Science and Technology Select Committee Matthew Feeney, Head of Technology and Innovation at the Centre for Policy Studies Daniel Rix-Standing, Investment Director at the Bright Initiative by Bright Data Dr Mahlet Zimeta, Head of Public Policy at the Open Data Institute This event was chaired by Gavin Freeguard, Associate at the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.