Ifg Events Podcast

Data Bites #34: Getting things done with data in government



Better use of data is key to more effective government. Across government, teams are doing fascinating work with data. But those projects don’t get the attention they deserve. At this month's event, the 34th in our series, the speakers presented their work in an exciting, quickfire format. Each speaker had eight minutes, followed by eight minutes of questions from the audience. Our speakers were: Dr Mark Thompson, Director at Cabinet Office, Government Business Services on how the organisation is utilising data insights to transform the civil service Catherine Hope, Statistician at the Department for Work and Pensions and Chair of the Presentation Group, Government Statistical Service (GSS), on the GSS's new dashboards guidance Paul Maltby, Chief Digital Officer, and Paul Downey, Head of Digital Land, at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, on 'planning.data.gov' and a digital perspective on planning reform Aleks Bobrowska, Data Scientist at the Department for Work and Pensions, on get