Ifg Events Podcast

A nation divided: what does Scotland’s constitutional future hold?



Scotland’s place in the union hangs in the balance. The Supreme Court is set to decide whether Nicola Sturgeon can hold her proposed 2023 independence referendum. If the verdict goes against the SNP, then Sturgeon’s Plan B is to place independence at the heart of the next general election campaign. The UK government is determined to prevent a rerun of the 2014 vote, while Labour is developing plans for further devolution and wider constitutional reform. Opinion polls reveal a nation split down the middle on independence. So what will the Supreme Court’s verdict mean? Where does the debate on independence go next? And what alternative constitutional scenarios could unfold in Scotland’s future? On the day after the Supreme Court hearing, the Institute for Government hosted an event to discuss the court case, the legal and constitutional principles at stake, and explore how Scotland can move towards a stable future – inside or outside the union. Our expert panel: Professor Aileen McHarg, Professor of Publi