Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 100: Jack Kirby’s Eternals Are a Girl’s Worst Enemy, Part 1



100 episodes! This is a milestone we've been thinking about for months and we wanted to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for listening this long, be this your first episode, your fifteenth, your fiftieth, or your hundredth. We've got a lot of fun things planned for the next 100 (or at least the next 15-20) and we hope you'll join us for the ride.To kick our 100th episode off, we're starting our walk through Eternals history - another mammoth book club series, though one a little less coherent than the Annihilation Saga - by chilling with the King and reading the first ten issues of the series that started it all: "Eternals" (1976.) Jaina and Elias debate the merits of the series, the demerits of the premise, and decry the sexism that pervades the book...and the eternal smugness of our protagonists.If you are reading along at home, you can find these issues on Marvel Unlimited and Hoopla. Trade readers can find them in "Eternals By Jack Kirby," Vol. 1 or the first half of the “Complete Collection” o