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Oregon fires - the real reason behind it



Live at our new time - 5 pm it's the Boze Noze Show with your host Jay Bozievich Pressure from environmental groups like Oregon Wild has caused the US Forest Service to allow “natural caused” fires to burn instead of doing aggressive initial attack to put them out when small. The Cedar Creek fire is a perfect example and now over two months it has caused havoc for the people living near and far as today school districts and Kidsports athletic events are being cancelled in Eugene and Veneta due to hazardous air quality from Cedar Creek fire smoke. Chandra LeGue, Senior Conservation Advocate for Oregon Wild, is endorsing Dawn Lesley for the West Lane Commissioners seat. She has also contributed to Dawn’s campaign. Dawn will support the “let it burn” philosophy that led to evacuations, loss of business, cancellations and health issues from the Cedar Creek fire that started in ONE TREE. Vote for reasonable forest management, vote for RYAN CENIGA! (Photo is the Cedar Creek fire on August 1, 2022)