Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 100 Part 1: The State of Manga Piracy



After over 3 years, we've reached the 100th episode of Manga Mavericks! And to celebrate, we're joined by a panel of special guests, including Morgana Santilli from Manga Machinations, Buggy from DaLadyBugProductions, and Maxy Barnard from Friendship Effort Victory, to discuss the topic of Manga Piracy! We hold nothing back and go all in as we discuss our thoughts and feelings on pirating manga and other media, as well as how the topic is handled and discussed amongst both in fandom and industry circles. We also give tips on how best to support the industry and just where to buy manga. Thankfully there are tons of options, so be sure to listen and enjoy! Join us next Sunday, October 27th, for Part 2 of our 100th episode, as we discuss the results of our recent survey where listeners weighed in on their favorite episodes of Manga Mavericks, as well as the Mavericks Crew's favorites as well!  PODCAST BREAKDOWN: 0:00:00 - Intro/The Story of Manga Rock Discussion Topic: 0:07:28 - The State of Manga Piracy 2