Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 133: "Black Representation in Anime/Manga"



Anime and manga are beloved worldwide and enjoyed by passionate fans of all walks of life. However, marginalized voices are often not represented or visible in community events, conversations, or the media we enjoy itself. But POC fans and creatives have done so much great and essential work for this fandom, Black fans in particular. Recently there’s been a long-overdue movement in creative and professional circles to amplify and spotlight the voices of Black creatives in fandoms and industries, and I want to use Manga Mavericks to amplify more Black voices in the community and have a critical conversation about representation and inclusivity. In this spirit, we invited on a group of Black creatives who’ve long advocated for these critical conversations and championed spaces to highlight diverse perspectives to discuss their experiences as Black anime fans. Our guests are the Black Manga Critic, an anime/manga Youtuber who does live-stream read-throughs of series he loves while also doing vlogs discussing br