Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 180: GeGeGe no Kitaro



On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton & Lum are joined by Eisner award winning comics artist, Joey Weiser, Twitter extraordinaire and horror enthusiast, Casey "MinovskyArticle", as well as translator and yokai expert, Zack Davisson, to discuss Shigeru Mizuki's GeGeGe no Kitaro manga! We discuss not only our thoughts on the comic in general, but as well as the life of Shigeru Mizuki and how his works have truly influenced Japanese culture as a whole! Disclaimer: A gosh darn audio yokai came in while we were recording and messed up some of Zack's audio, which means that some of it was so inaudible that parts of our conversation had to be cut, but we hope you enjoy the episode anyway! For a complete list of links and Shout-Outs included in this episode, check out this podcast's webpage at: PODCAST BREAKDOWN: 00:00 - Disclaimer 03:06 - Intro/Patron Shout Out 08:29 - Kitaro Discussion 1:58:44 - Fan Questions 2:32:34 - Guest Plugs