Manga Mavericks

#Lum Squad #07: "The Miss Tomobiki Contest!"



Hello, darlings! Welcome back to #LumSquad, a podcast hosted by @LumRanmaYasha and @ProdTally devoted to the wonderful and wacky world of Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura! We've officially hit the halfway point of the Urusei Yatsura manga! The series' ninth omnibus is a fantastic collection of stories, a real showcase of the manga in its prime! Perhaps no storyline best demonstrates this than the series' longest and most ambitious story arc to date - The Miss Tomobiki Contest! A mini-tournament arc featuring the badass beauties of the series facing off against each other and wild animals, this storyline is an awesome and hilarious mix of character gags and action-comedy, and another step towards the style of storytelling Takahashi would employ later in Ranma 1/2! But while The Miss Tomobiki Contest is definitely the main event, this volume is also jam-packed with a ton of other great and memorable stories, including the origins of Mendo's claustrophobia, the revenge of Galactic Teacher CAO-2, the identity