Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

BroScience Ep 27: Concussion, sport and return to play



Travis and Craig breakdown one of the hottest contact sport topics, concussion.They discuss their history from a combined 40 years of contact sports activities and concussion. They dive into; what is it, how can it be diagnosed and what is best practice when it comes to returning to your sport.Follow and ask questions to @the.sportingdoctor on insta or #thesportingdoctor in the Fitness Education Online Community Group. --Note: Podcast episodes are hosted by either Jono Petrohilos or Travis Mattern of  Fitness Education the link below to join our Community Facebook Group (we have over 13 000 Fitness Professionals / Personal Trainers in there and we all share tips and ideas) to our Sponsors