Undeclared! The Punisher

Undeclared The Punisher - 1.02 Two Dead Men



Yes, you've seen this episode pop up in your feed already, but somehow the original file that was uploaded was missing about half of the episode. This is the full episode. Sorry about that, guys! Jaime finds out that just because an actor is good doesn’t mean he’s in it for the long haul. Madani is after all the information she can get, and some of that information comes in a very pretty package named Billy Russo. Frank, on the other hand, is chasing down the mysterious Micro to find out who and what this man is before he trusts him. Frank reaches out to Karen, whose hypocrisy is showing a bit in this episode. We say goodbye to Frank’s hipster look while he does his best to evade all the technology that Micro has at his disposal. Micro is clearly brilliant, but who will find whom first? All Krista wants is some diner food.We discuss special ops forces and the reality vs. television with some assistance from an anonymous source of Krista’s. Feel free to reach out to @undeclarepunish if you have question