The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

Mike Koenigs - Will Humans Become Obsolete In The Near Future?



Mike Keonigs has such a cool insight into a slew of tech gadgets and on today’s podcast, we join Mike in his studio as he is recording to multiple devices simultaneously. Mike has a long history with digital marketing and has been assisting people online with how to profit from publishing and product creation.  He is also the author of You Everywhere Now whose goal is to help business owners, entrepreneurs and service professionals elevate their brands, become known experts, authorities and celebrity status. Mike has always been years ahead of the trends and you’ll hear why he decided to liquidate his business, what he feels is the future of media, how artificial intelligence will change the shape of the work force and where to focus your efforts to stay ahead of the game.  We also discuss the benefits of plant based medicines as well as Mike’s impressive tech stack. After you’re done listening, be sure to check out ours show with Billy Gene Shaw on the right way to use video to build your brand and our show