The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

Theo Lucier - Actionable Biohacks To Improve Every Aspect Of Your Life



You are going to absolutely love today’s show as we go the extra mile talking with Theo Lucier, a biohacking entrepreneur who shares a wealth of knowledge on everything from brain health and depression to getting better sleep.  We talk about his early beginnings, growing up on a farm in rural Minnesota, to becoming a collegiate athlete in Olympic style Tae Kwon Do, then starting a real estate business during a market crash and how he was able to come out ahead by marketing towards a very specific niche. We also discuss how Theo ended up hitting rock bottom with massive burnout and how he went all out researching biohacking, health, and wellness, coming out a new person, stoked on life.  Theo has a passion for this subject and has created supplements and a system on how to stop burnout and start recovering the right way. Once you’ve soaked all this amazing information in, be sure to listen to our shows with Joe Cohen and Dave Asprey to round out your health and wellness process.  “For people that are beating