Brandon And The Boss Man - Presented By

Ep. 35: Press Conference Etiquette w/Ryan Burns + Recruiting Latest, Vikings, and MORE...



WOW.It was a packed show for Episode 35.We start with Ryan Burns of Drama rocked the Gopher Football world when certain reporters at PJ Fleck's NSD Press Conference railroaded the coach with questions about team rule violations.We get Ryan's take on that fiasco since he was there... He also tells us who he is betting on to win the QB job come next year, now that we will have 4 scholarship players fighting in an "open competition".Lastly, we chat the ups and downs of National Signing Day and whether PJ Fleck can keep one of his top commitments to stay in the boat through January when he's being pulled all over SEC country.We thank Ryan Burns for joining us and always recommend you subscribe at if you are a Gopher fan of any kind!Brandon and I get into the Vikings after Ryan leaves. Could Brandon really be back on the bandwagon so quickly...? Do we allow him back in?Also, you won't want to miss our "Top News" segment to end the show...- Rick Pitino Working Again- Eur