Brandon And The Boss Man - Presented By

Ep. 49: Vikings Draft w/Expert Jordan Reid + Tiger Montages, Brandon Buys Taco Bell, and Eric: The Big J,



In episode 49, our professional is showing. We have our favorite draft expert, Jordan Reid to get us all hot and bothered for the incoming NFL Draft and what the Vikings will do with their picks. You can be the smartest Vikings draft person at work if you listen to this half hour.After letting Jordan go, we dive into our best montage yet... and it's Tiger Woods - Masters related. We talk about it too.. but the MONTAGE...Eric also covered the Gopher Football Spring Game as a member of the media. He talks about his first time as a "Big J"We sneak some Twins in too... The ended up losing after this recorded... because of pitching... like we talk about on the show.Oh.... and Brandon bought Taco Bell for $27 on Sunday, to recover from another night of time traveling.