Jessie's Coffee Shop

Chris Jones Reversione: Reset the Future



The story is about a group of time travelers who discover that the end of civilization is near. After some investigation they discover that the end occurs because of global warming the result of many years of pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The time machine they use has a power source that could easily be used as a clean energy replacement. However, in order to change the future, they have to go back in time and reinvent the time machine and the power source over 150 years before it was originally built. This is actually the underlying story though. The real story is the love story that happens when two of the scientists from different times are brought together to accomplish the task. Most of the story focuses on how the couple meets and falls in love. As well as how the love they shared grows over time. There are multiple twists and turns of course and with the time travel involved it will leave you guessing as to how the couple manages to outlast the changes they have to make in order t