Words You Never Heard

Who Is Smarter, Doggos or Cats?



Who’s smarter, dogs or cats?  Cat owners, prepare to extend your claws.  Studies at Oxford University suggest canines are smarter than felines, because dogs are more interactive.   Cats prefer to be left alone and mollycoddled.  To a dog you are family, to a cat, you are staff☺.  Dogs also have to listen to all our ballyragging commands such as:  Sit! Shake! Roll Over, Quit barking and Get off the couch!  Dogs must be in a constant state of botheration from us!  In addition to understanding the human language, dogs seem to know the difference between right and wrong!  In fact, dogs fit the definition of  a snapsauce perfectly. A snapsauce is “someone who purposefully sneaks the last bite when no one is looking!”  Our angelic looking Boston terrier would always grab  a cookie, wait until my husband walked out the door before jumping on the couch!