Absolute Trust Talk

094: Learn to Use Technology with This Free Resource from Senior Planet



At Absolute Trust Counsel, we used to create this podcast just as a podcast. We would sit in a room with our headsets, microphones, and just record. Then when the pandemic hit, things changed, and we started live streaming so we could interact with our clients and audiences in a new and impactful way. As we think about how the pandemic changed our way of life, it's easy to relate to downloading and learning new apps and buying new devices just so we could carry on and do the "normal" things that we always used to, right? It wasn't long ago that many of us saw Zoom and other communication platforms as novelties that weren't likely to assume an important position in our lives. Similarly, while many of us are familiar with things like Google Maps, far fewer have ever had to explore all that it has to offer fully. And despite its tangible, everyday benefits, technology isn't that intuitive, so there can be a learning curve that may seem downright daunting. We need help, and we need instruction, especially for old