Absolute Trust Talk

095: Special Needs Care Planning: It’s About More Than Just Legal Documents



When planning for the ongoing needs of a special needs child or relative, there’s quite an array of considerations that have to be made — some foreseen, some not. It’s about far more than just paperwork — no two families are alike regarding their financial situation, the vision they hold for the future of their special needs child, or even the unique care requirements of that child.  These families do, however, tend to share one common purpose: that the parents are doing their best to replace themselves in the future when they’re no longer around. After all, despite our best efforts, none of us live forever. If this is a scenario that’s in your future — or perhaps the future of someone you know — you probably already appreciate how easy it is to be overwhelmed by the process. And if there wasn’t already enough complexity to deal with in terms of insurance, benefits, caregiving, education, etc., special needs care planning also carries an additional challenge you won’t find when planning for the care of an eld