Feng Shui | Holistic Spaces Podcast With Anjie Cho

Episode 190: Five Elements and Your Face



If you’ve been listening to us for a while, you know about the five elements. We’ve talked about the five elements system when it comes to choosing a paint color and finding your decluttering style, but did you know you can also apply it to your face? In this episode, we’re going over the basics of how to identify and accentuate each element in your own face to understand and shift your personal qi. We cover: - What is face reading?- Facial features associated with each element- How each of the five elements might show up in your face- The energy and qualities of each element- Suggestions to accentuate each element- Which elements Anjie and Laura are going to accentuate Mentioned in this episode: Our feng shui certification is open for enrollment!Episode 125: Face Reading with Dr. Tamsin LeeSign up for our newsletter for exclusive complimentary special workshops and offers for our newsletter subscribers ONLY! You’ll also get notified when enrollment for the Inner Circle opens. Make sure you’re following