



Operation Medusa has become the most celebrated battle in recent Canadian history. It was hailed as a stroke of military genius that may have vanquished the Taliban once and for all.But the soldiers and commanders who were on the ground in 2006 have a different story to tell. A rushed battle. Flawed intelligence. And generals putting political considerations ahead of Canadian lives.And even though Canada had defeated the Taliban on the battlefield, that didn't mean they were winning the war.Featured in this episode: Cpl. Sean Teal, Canadian Armed Forces; Bruce Moncur, veterans advocate and former reservist; Lt.-Gen. Omer Lavoie, Canadian Armed Forces; Adnan R. Khan, journalist and contributing editor at Maclean's; Eugene Lang, fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs InstituteFurther reading:Operation Medusa: The Battle For Panjwai, Adam Day, Legion MagazineAfghanistan veteran recounts brutal battle, Stephen J. Thorne, Legion MagazineIt's time for a hard look at Operation Medusa, Adnan R. Khan, Maclean