
Pardon My French



When a CBC host used the N-word in pre-production meetings, she was taken off the air. When the French arm of the public broadcaster, Radio-Canada, had a program just months later where the N-word was used four times in both languages, the broadcaster dismissed charges that there was anything wrong with the program. That is, until the CRTC stepped in and said an apology was in order. Why two different responses at the same company in two languages? And why does the 1968 book by Pierre Vallières always seem to be at the heart of the controversy?Featured in this episode: Emilie Nicolas, host of Canadaland's French-language show Détours and columnist at Le DevoirFurther reading:Diversity and inclusion: malaise within CBC/Radio-Canada, Le DevoirRadio-Canada to appeal CRTC N-word decision and apologize to complainant, Canadian PressRadio-Canada personalities urge broadcaster to fight CRTC N-word decision, Radio CanadaSupport Canadaland at oxio, CFUV, Calm, Article, HoverSupport CANADAL