Wiki Politiki

Conscious Evolution: Antidote to Mass-Extinction with Bruce Lipton



Aired Tuesday, 14 November 2017, 5:00 PM ESTConscious Evolution: Antidote to Mass-Extinction with Bruce Lipton“Crisis precipitates evolution, and if we look at our world in crisis, we see the chances of precipitation are 100%.” — Swami BeyondanandaAs we create a new foundation for “political climate change”, what better place to begin than biology itself, evolution, and where we humans fit (or don’t fit) in the web of life? So it’s “fitting” that my first interviewed guest on Wiki Politiki is my friend, colleague and co-author, Bruce Lipton.Bruce is a pioneer in epigenetics, and the author of bestseller and classic, The Biology of Belief. He and I co-wrote Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, a book that suggests that the next phase of human evolution is seeing ourselves as cells in the body of a super-organism called Humanity — or as I prefer to call it, Humankind, because the currency of this new and evolved organism is human kindness.So, how are we doing?For one thin