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Heartland Security and a NEWER World Order



Aired Tuesday, 31 July 2018, 5:00 PM ESTHeartland Security and a NEWER World Order – The International Rule of Law and the “Eisenhower Moment”An Interview with Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute“If war is a ‘necessary evil’ why not establish peace as a necessary good?” — Swami BeyondanandaGlobalism.Over the past two decades, the word has devolved from the ideal of a “Spaceship Earth” where the peoples of the world transcend national borders to work and act for the common good of all, to a nefarious totalitarian “new world order” imposed by the ruling elite.Indeed, the neo-conservatism of the Bush-Cheney years, and the neo-liberalism of Obama and the Clintons certainly seem to have institutionalized corporatism as our planetary ruler. Playing on the understandable mistrust of the corporate state, Donald Trump vowed to liberate America from non-beneficial agreements globally, and “drain the swamp” at home.Drain the swamp he has, and now the liberated alligators are everywhere.Meanwhile