Wiki Politiki

From Scared to Sacred



Aired Tuesday, 7 August 2018, 5:00 PM ESTFrom Scared to Sacred – How We “Shift” Our Karma Into Higher Gear An Interview with Stephen Dinan, Author and CEO of Shift Network“The only way to overgrow the ‘deep state’ is by cultivating a deeper state.” — Swami BeyondanandaOnce again on this week’s Wiki Politiki, we look to shift our focus from the fear and anger generated by Donald Trump (and those who oppose him) to creating a movement that gathers all good intentions under “one big intent” — a world that works for all.Bucky Fuller called this “the World Game” and it sure beats the alternative, the “end-of-the-world game.” Indeed, our nation and our entire species is going through an existential crisis — where we choose if we want to continue to exist, or follow our reptile brain down the path of the dinosaur. (Just think … millions of years from now, whoever is around could be running their vehicles on OUR blood!)However, if we want to be driving our own cars, and our own karma, we need to restore the missing p