Wiki Politiki

Cultural Evolution As Inevitable Reality



Aired Tuesday, 21 August 2018, 5:00 PM ESTCultural Evolution As Inevitable Reality – Hope Without “Hopium”An Interview with Jim Kenney, Author of “Thriving In the Cross-Current”“Of course Jesus believed in evolution. Otherwise he would have said, ‘Now don’t do a thing until I get back’.” — Swami BeyondanandaThere’s a famous quote from Martin Luther King inspired by the writings of the American minister and transcendentalist Theodore Parker, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”Of course in these days where the very present arc of the immoral universe seems bent on injustice, some skepticism is understandable. This week’s Wiki Politiki guest, author and cultural educator Jim Kenney would say that his studies of cultural evolution indicate that our current “shituation” is an eddy in a river flowing relentlessly toward greater awareness and interdependence, a “cross-current” in the course of evolution, which ultimately only flows in one direction.Kenney, who’s been recognized for