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Money For People with Ellen Brown



Aired Tuesday, 4 September 2018, 5:00 PM ESTMoney For People with Ellen BrownHow Public Banking Can Liberate Us From the Web of DebtAn Interview with Ellen Brown, author of “Web of Debt” and President of the Public Banking Institute“I am nostalgic for the good old days … remember when PEOPLE robbed BANKS?” — Swami BeyondanandaOur guest this week, Ellen Brown, has looked at money from “both sides now.” Her book, “Web of Debt” is a deep, thoughtful and sometimes playful analysis of how the banking interests have created metastasizing debt that ends up enslaving the people of the world rather than helping them thrive. “Web of Debt” enjoys another distinction as well. In the past, the notion that the Federal Reserve is a tool of the bankers and NOT even a federal institution was proliferated primarily by right wing libertarians. Thanks to Ellen Brown, progressives are now aware of the Federal Reserve’s dark history, including the secret meetings where a small group of bankers persuaded then President Woodrow Wils