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Andrew Saul - Mainstream Media Is Dissing and Dismissing Vitamin C



Andrew Saul – Mainstream Media Is Dissing and Dismissing Vitamin CAnd How We Can Create a “C” ChangeAired Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTInterview with Andrew Saul, World Authority on Vitamin C and Founder of“The truth shall upset you free.”— Swami BeyondanandaTwo weeks ago there was a report that high-dose intravenous Vitamin C was being used to successfully treat COVID-19 patients in New York. According to the article, “The patients received 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C, which is sixteen times the National Institutes of Health’s recommended daily dietary allowance of vitamin C. The 1,500-milligram dose was administered three or four times per day.” They were apparently following a protocol that had been successful in China.Yet, at around the same time, as today’s guest Andrew Saul will tell us, the World Health Organization instructed Facebook to de-platform anyone promoting Vitamin C as a treatment, or even as a way of enhancing immune function.What’s go