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Glenn Aparicio Parry - From SCARED To SACRED



Glenn Aparicio Parry – From SCARED To SACREDNative Wisdom and Realizing America’s True DestinyAired Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTInterview with Glenn Aparicio Parry, Author of “Original Politics: Making America Sacred Again” “It’s time for political climate change – warmer hearts and cooler heads.”— Swami BeyondanandaThere’s disheartenment in the heartland.And while many blame that loss of heart due to heartlessness on the Trump presidency, more and more Americans are awakening to realize his “election” is more of a symptom than a cause. As Swami has said, “Donald Trump is America’s balloon karma payment.”American history – not unlike the history of humankind in general – has moved forward on two parallel and seemingly opposite tracks. One track, based on the Declaration of Independence, has sought to expand freedom, justice, equality and the common good. The other track has been the reactionary forces pursuing the obsolete and obsolethal meme, dominate-or-be-dominated.So those who dism