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Paul Levy - Confronting “Notseeism”



Paul Levy – Confronting “Notseeism”How Looking Evil In the Eye Can Awaken Us From Our Collective Bad DreamAired Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTInterview with Paul Levy, “Wounded Healer” and Author of “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil”“SWAMI’S DICTIONARY:Notseeism: A deadly disease of the body politic where otherwise good people choose to not seewhat they find too uncomfortable to look at.”— Swami BeyondanandaOver the past month or so, a few of my colleagues have written articles expressing alarm at how many “spiritual folks” have gone off the deep end embracing wild “conspiracy theories”, forsaking rational science and the material world view. Indeed, there are some wild and wacky scenarios out there – like Q-Anon claiming that Donald Trump is really a “good guy”, and at the right moment will bring forth his good friend, John F. Kennedy, Jr. who didn’t really die in that plane crash, to save the day.Just goes to show how far people will go to find a savior … without recogniz