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Richard Lang - Advisory Voting and an “Eco-System for Civic Engagement”



Richard Lang – Advisory Voting and an “Eco-System for Civic Engagement”Restoring the Missing Piece in Government By the People – THE PEOPLE! Aired Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTInterview with Tech CEO and Author Richard Lang“Even more than a new President, we need a new PRECEDENT – government of, by and for the people where the government does OUR bidding, not the bidding of the highest bidder.” — Swami BeyondanandaAs we are caught in the swirl of the most toxic and dangerous election season in our lifetimes, citizens from across the political spectrum are asking two questions: How did it get this way? And, how do we restore the missing piece in government of, by and for the people – THE PEOPLE?If you’ve had the sense that the will of the ordinary citizen in America has little or no impact on what legislation actually gets passed — you’re right. A study conducted by Princeton University in 2014 concluded: “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-