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Diane Perlman and Marilyn Langlois - Vexxed!



Diane Perlman and Marilyn Langlois – Vexxed!How Do We Separate Truth From Propaganda Regarding COVID and Vaccines?Aired Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTAn Interview with Political Psychologist Diane Perlman and Peace and Justice Activist Marilyn LangloisSwami’s Dictionary“Irony Curtain: The invisible wall of impropaganda that separates we the people from the truth.” — Swami BeyondanandaYou may have heard of that controversial documentary called “Vaxxed” that caused quite a stir a few years ago. Well, I am calling the first show of this New Year “vexxed” because so many people are vexed and confounded by conflicting narratives around COVID, vaccinations, Bill Gates and the so-called new world order.I can tell you in advance we may not get to any definitive answers, but we WILL address some definitive questions to help you navigate the confusion, obfuscation, and the real and true information seeking to get heard. My guests today are not medical professionals, and so will not be offering an