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Byron Belitsos - And the Last Trump Shall Blow



Byron Belitsos – And the Last Trump Shall BlowThe Convenient Marriage of Trumpism and Christian ApocalpticismAired Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM EST Interview with Author and Integral Activist Byron Belitsos “Donald Trump and Q-Anon were made for each other: The super-duper duper meets the super-duped.” — Swami BeyondanandaIt’s been a paradox that “rational” observers have been puzzling over for nearly five years now. Why is it that so many Christian fundamentalists have gone gaga over Donald Trump, who seems to have embraced every one of the seven deadly sins as virtues? As the joke goes, Trump’s greatest asset is his liability – ability to lie – and yet many of Trump’s Christian followers find “truth” in his false statements.Our guest this week, Byron Belitsos, was a journalist on site at the January 6th MAGA demonstrations and storming of the Capitol. He took photos, and informally interviewed dozens of people. He came away with a deep understanding of why people were there, and also o