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Raj Krishna - The Reunited States of America



Raj Krishna – The Reunited States of AmericaYes, Virginia (and the Other 49 States) – There IS a Sane and Sacred CenterAired Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM ESTInterview with “Reunited States of America” Film Maker Raj Krishna“We need more visionaries and fewer divisionaries.” — Swami BeyondanandaIn the wake of the most contentious presidential election of our lifetime… there has indeed been an awakening.There has been a subtle yet world-changing shift toward what we are calling political climate change – warmer hearts and cooler heads. Even in selecting Biden over Trump, there was an affirmation of the politics of connection and collaboration over the politics of domination and separation.This politics of unity cannot pretend we all agree. Rather it involves finding ways to turn the dueling dualities of progressive and conservative into dynamic duo dance partners. In November, we interviewed transpartisan visionary and activist Mark Gerzon about a new documentary based on his book, The Re