Let's Talk Near Death

In The Realm of Death and Dreaming with Johanna Lunn



Johanna Lunn is an award winning Producer, Near Death Experiencer and Director of the ground breaking film 'In the Realm of Death and Dreaming'. She has worked in the film and television business for over 30 years and at a young age witnessed a number of significant deaths that completely cracked her world apart. Johanna has learned that death, like birth, is one of the most extraordinary events in life, and it is critical that we learn to talk about it.” In this episode Johanna shares her own personal experiences with death, her outlook on consciousness, the motivation behind creating her documentary series, and her own near death experience. Join the Private Screening event via: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/j9z9w8 Find out more about Johanna at: www.https://whenyoudie.org The video mentioned about Johanna's dinner with her Dad can be found at: https://vimeo.com/352499024/a3c000e8ad