My Business On Purpose

Live Webinar on 3 Techniques To Improve Profits and Margins For Contractors



Every day you are waking up and chaos seems to reign. Material delays. Pricing volatility. Subcontractors and vendors not pulling their weight. The labor pool seems to be vanishing, and recession is on our doorstep. Those aren’t the greatest challenges, though.  We know what the greatest challenge is.  All of these elements are leading you to question whether or not you are even in the right business because as much as you try to be present at your daughter's softball game, or your son's soccer match, or simply focusing around the dinner table… you aren’t present because the chaos is consuming you. You wonder, “how can I keep going if all I am doing is robbing Peter to pay Paul?” “How can I have plenty of work, but not plenty of cash?” “Why do those other contractors seem like they’re crushing it while I’m wasting away, just trying to keep up.” Some of you, like TJ, have asked, “what happens to my business if something happens to me?” The professional chaos is taking a toll on your personal life.   That stops