Guitar Music Theory

Ep103 Single-coil and Humbucker Guitar Pickups Tone Test



Can you hear the difference between a single-coil guitar pickup and a humbucker? Test your ear by listening to my blind samples played in the style of familiar songs. You should notice that the lower output single-coil pickups sound thinner, brighter, and with less depth but more clarity. The higher output humbuckers sound thicker with more midrange, depth, and sustain. The twangy, snappy sound of single-coil pickups typically work better for clean tones and when light to moderate overdrive is in use. Humbucking pickups typically work better for higher gain tones. Humbuckers are actually two single-coils wired together. Humbuckers get their name because they cancel the 60-cycle hum that can be an issue with single-coil pickups in some settings where electronic interference is present. All these sound samples are played through a Kemper Profiling Amplifier using profiles from Tone Junkie and Top Jimi. I used the same settings for both guitars in each example. What are your favorite tones? Let me know in the co