Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Ems Stadium and Hwy 126



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! The Board took the biggest step so far towards a possible multi-use stadium facility that could be the new home for the Eugene Ems at the fairgrounds. We directed staff to prepare the ordinances needed to increase our transient room tax (TRT) and the car rental tax (CRT) as a mechanism for financing the project. We will have to hold a public hearing on the increases in September but we are hoping to finance the stadium without using local property taxes. TRT and CRT are generally paid by tourist and visitors to Lane County not residents. Still more check points before it is a done deal like getting a design/build team on board and getting final costing, etc. We also will be studying a multi-use indoor facility that could be used for indoor track and other indoor sports tournaments. In the meantime, we asked LTD to come present to the Board about Moving Ahead. That should be an interesting conversation. I also am working on getting a public meeting set-up