My Business On Purpose

596: Business Recession Planning



Recession chatter is at a continuous buzz due to the identification of predictive recession markers in the same way that hurricane preparation chatter would be abuzz if weather forecasters identified the predictive markers of a hurricane. Where I live in the lowcountry of South Carolina, we went through a four year stretch where we were either brushed or directly hit by severe hurricanes. The storms were no fun, and in some cases deadly.  In advance of those storms weather forecasters and government officials worked overtime to ensure readiness.  They were not able to influence or avoid the storm, but they were able to provide a helpful forecast based on predictive and principles markers that allowed for thoughtful preparation; the ability to make ready prior to the storm. Oxford Dictionary defines a recession this way, “a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.” The markers of a recession se