Center Point Assembly

Revelation 19 - The Wedding Celebration - Audio



Sunday, August 7, 2022 – Today, we are continuing in our discussion of Revelation 19 – one of the most exciting chapters in the bible! We’ll be talking about a lot of information today, so it may seem like we’re drinking water from a fire hydrant, so bear with me. God is such a good planner that in everything He does, He gives us human analogies to help us better understand. Revelation 19 presents the Church as the Bride and Jesus the Groom in the context of the Jewish Galilean tradition. In this, we can better identify as a Bride, betrothed, and preparing herself for the wedding day that is to come. We can also understand the planning of the Wedding Feast and the invitations that are sent out. Who sends the invitations and who’s on the list is very important. But, one of the most significant aspects of the Galilean wedding process is the power given to the Bride as she is being betrothed to the prospective groom. She is given the choice to accept or reject the bride