Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

A lots happening...



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! New taxes for Lane County will be on the ballot in November. No, not to hire more deputy DA's so we prosecute all felonies. This tax will go to repair and upgrade parks. Once again I was the lone vote against this as I feel we are letting our State legislators and Congress critters off the hook for their lack of support and asking locals to make up the difference for a non-critical function. If I am going to ask senior citizens to increase their property taxes then it is going to be to support a critical function that is a life safety issue like keeping criminals off the street. We also heard one of the best reports on our homeless efforts since I have been a Commissioner. A very clear road map of the current system and how we are working to improve it as well as a report on the outcomes from existing programs. It was interesting that a program that included navigation (case management) had a 69% success rate in clients exiting to permanent housing where