My Business On Purpose

593: How To Create A New Employee Training Manual



You just completed the relentless and methodical work of recruiting and hiring a new team member, and you are still left with that big, expensive question, “is this new person even going to work out?” Hiring new roles and new team members always seems to be an obvious and easy solution to everyone except the person whose time, attention, and bottom line is most on the line.  It’s day one for that new hire…how does the mission get the most out of that new person, and how does that new person get the most out of the mission of the business? American style football is a very set-play-specific sport.  All eleven players on the offensive side of the ball must be in lock step technique choreographed in unison.  Each position targets a specific direction and technique because the other positions are depending on it.  The right guard trusts that the center has the other guy.  The running back trusts the right guard to block that huge human being coming straight for him.  The quarterback trusts that the running back m