Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Monday, March 13th, 2017



00:00 - Connecting the dots between Daylight Saving Time, Brett zapping his alarm clock with static electricity, an alarm clock that uses a wearable to wake you up with an electric shock, and Kevin O'Leary! 19:05 - The Province has cut a $1M grant to the Dakota Collegiate Community Sports and Recreation Field, and has cut funding for a new gym at Kelvin High School. What do you think of this? 38:51 - Doug Putman, president of Sunrise Records -- They're taking over 70 of HMV's locations, including two confirmed locations in Winnipeg (Polo Park & Kildonan Place) 57:59 - Brent Bellamy, chairman of CentreVenture's board and the creative director at Number Ten Architectural Group -- Should Winnipeg alter its Downtown skywalk system? Brent wrote a column about skywalks and sidewalks for the Winnipeg Free Press, entitled "Downtown must embrace winter, not hide it" 78:02 - More on Sunrise Records / HMV / music industry blew it when they took too long to embrace digital 84:48 - More on skywalks and sidewalks 89: