Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Tuesday, March 28th, 2017



00:00 - Do we love our health care? A report from the Canadian Institute of Health Information has revealed that Manitoba continues to linge rbelow the national average on several fronts for what some consider essential, and some call elective surgeries. 37:53 - "Future-proof: Preparing young Canadians for the future of work" is a report from the Brookfield Institute for Innovation & Entrepeneurship -- our guest is Sarah Doyle, Brookfield's director of policy & research. 54:14 - Millenials are the top target for fraudsters! That's what Equifax says -- our guest is Tara Zecevic, Equifax Canada's vice president of fraud prevention & identity management. 65:14 - Dad's punishment for his son's bad grades was very public and hilarious. 73:05 - Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba is celebrating its 20th birthday this week -- our guest is CSCM general manager Jeff Powell. CSCM was formed in 1997 to be part of the legacy of the 1999 Pan Am Games. 84:03 - Greg has an embarassing & frustrating story about checking his