Sell Or Die With Jeffrey Gitomer And Jennifer Gluckow

Release Yourself from the Bonds of a "Victim Mentality"



In this Episode we are back with the founders of Enlifted, Mark England and Adam Chin. Mark England is a TEDx Speaker and Co-founder and Head Coach of Enlifted. He has been researching, coaching and presenting on the power of language and identity for the past 15 years. Mark was an Elementary School P.E. teacher before getting into personal development and has a Masters Degree in education.  Adam Chin began his human optimization journey twenty years ago working with and studying under sales and personal development author Jeffrey Gitomer. During a decade of traveling, experimentation, research, and discovery, Adam co-created the Enlifted language and story model with co-creator Mark England. His passion for exploration and learning are rivaled only by his desire to help people improve their lives by cutting out unnecessary drama and getting clear about what matters most to each and every one of us. Connect with Mark and Adam:  Instagram: @enliftedcoaches Check out their webiste here Find their podcast "Get E