My Business On Purpose

591: How To Design A New Employee Starter Pack



It is the first day for your new employee.   Yet most new employees for small businesses walk into their first day staring at what feels more like a rusty, duct taped operation instead of a well-oiled machine. The very first impression that a business makes on a new employee takes place during the hiring process when the business team is simply telling the then-candidate about the wonders of their business. Day one is usually the day where the new employee walks in and comes face to face with reality, “what I see feels different from what I was told.” This story has played out too many times in our coaching calls where an owner will tell us they just hired a new employee and when that person walked in on day one, not only did the owner forget they were to start that day, they also began scrambling to find busy-work that would occupy the new employees time. The owner then justified that haphazard training by saying “it’s just better if we throw you to the wolves”. No.   It is not better to simply be thrown to