My Business On Purpose

592: Could you leave your business for 30 days?



Could you leave your business for 30 days and not check-in at all? Why or maybe why not? Let’s talk about that today. Happy Monday friends, Thomas Joyner with Business on Purpose here. The litmus test for our coaching roadmap is always what we call the 30 day test. Could you leave your business for 30 days and not answer email, voicemails…whatever. What would happen to the business? Would it be able to survive? Would it limp along with quality control issues and employees aimlessly getting through each day? Would people even know what to do and would they get it done? If you’re anything like most of our clients when we talk to them…the answer is always, no way. That’s impossible! But it’s not. I was sitting with one of our former clients last week and he was saying how freeing it was for him to actually try it. He had finished recording all of his systems and processes. He had delegated all of his responsibilities and the day to day operations of his business…and he took off. Loaded up the family for an RV tr