Poet Waffle

Poet Waffle #25 (Mark Power)



Poet Daniel Cockrill takes Poet Waffle on the road and visits the home of photographer Mark Power for an intimate chat. During this chat they explore the visceral space between fact and fiction to reveal certain truths that can’t necessarily be explained by these other fields. They also attempt to answer the Poet Waffle Big Question; Do You Believe That What You See Is Real? Topics include: The Studio Space, Advice to Young Photographers, Storing and Making Physical Work, Photographic Books, Finding The Best Format For Your Work, Exhibition Experience vs Book Experience, Kodak The Dog, Ivor Cutler, The Shipping Forecast, Julian Germain, Destroying The Laboratory For The Sake Of The Experiment, Dom Brookman, Poetry and Photography as Partners, Working Collaboratively, Good Morning America, Ways of Looking and Seeing, Digital vs Film, The Objective Photograph, Editing and Sequencing, The Language of Photography, The Meaning of Words and Images and How We Interpret Them, Growing and Changing Creatively, Fami