Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Oregon 22, indoor masking and heat wave



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! It's National Scotch Day! No Board meeting this week so no new Board items to talk about but lots of other issues. The City of Springfield is going to challenge the state on new land use laws being implemented by executive order rather than legislated. A disturbing trend both in Washington DC and Salem is to ignore the separation of powers and just do things from the executive office. Unfortunately with Oregon's system of appointing judges, our state judiciary, which should correct this, is beholding to the the current Governor for their jobs. I am attending the grand opening of our new Parole and Probation facilities at Roosevelt and 99 today, it is sad that if we can't convince the legislature to take action we may be laying off or leaving positions unfilled in this division. The Worlds wrapped up with great showing by Team USA but a pathetic showing in attendance. The Lane County Fair also wrapped up but not without some controversy also. Why do heat w