Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

A lot going on in Lane County



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! The World's are here and after telling us for weeks to avoid downtown due to expected traffic and that there may be long waits in restaurants due to lack of staff to handle the extra business, now they are telling folks to come eat in town because the restaurants are not busy. I also warned the Board about asking voters to increase their taxes for parks before we ask them to continue paying higher property taxes for public safety. As the rest of the Board pushed ahead with the Parks Levy we received notice from our District Attorney that she has lost senior staff to Oregon DOJ and has had no applications for several openings. The result may be going back to "no files" on some felonies due to lack of prosecution resources. The Board also is supporting EV's despite our crumbling electric grid and the carbon footprint of battery production. They also continued the process of letting Homes for Good move to little elected official direct oversight despite $58